Miss More

Three Wishes From A Genie | A Poetry Tag

In A Little Bit Of Poetry on 01/06/2013 at 7:07 PM

Hey it’s me again and yes I am alive. Exam period is over and I’m ready to get back in the blogosphere (what ever the hell that means, I just thought it sounds cool). This is a first for me cause I’m going to tag some of the writer bloggers I like on wordpress, I hope it works out good and if it doesn’t then I guess it doesn’t.

As the title suggests, I’d like the writers that I’ve tagged and who ever the hell else wants to do this to write a poem about the three wishes they would ask a genie to grant them. The poem can be in any style you want – go crazy – and if you do it, leave a comment linking to your creation. I know I don’t have to tell anyone to not be brief  and make a simple list because us poets are many things, just not brief.

One rule… don’t be smart ass and wish for ten more wishes or some shit cause that’s just “rude” and not very original if I’m honest. So here it goes.

My Three Wishes From A Genie by Yours Truly

I wish peace and happiness,

For all those I love and

Even those I hate.

For if misfortune plagued them,

I may start to sympathise,

Through sympathy, I may be able to just about stand them.

God forbid. I may even start to like them and

Love and likeness stand on two sides of a very thin line don’t they?


I wish they made me Queen of the universe for a day.

I would right all wrongs and wrong all those who do wrong.

Then I would decree a new word to replace wrong.

Because I just realised that the word wrong just sounds wrong.

Then I would order the good people of the universe in all my majesty,

That upon the end of my twenty-four hours reign,

They should make me Queen for eternity and the days after.


Since time is money, I wish to make an account of minutes,

I want to own all the time in the universe, so that I’d never again run out of it.

So that I could literary mean it when I say phrases like, 

“My time is precious” and use time to buy a present. 

If I owned all the time in the universe, 

No one would have the time to rebel against me,

As I sit on my throne of evermore.


I’m tagging.

Wish away 🙂 Love, Miss More

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I write stuff.

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